Sadly for us....we had to say goodbye to our sweet dear Shauna today.
But for her~ she must be filled with happiness...
for she was able to meet our Wonderful Creator and our Loving Savior.
I can't even imagine the pure joy of getting an embrace in the loving arms of Jesus.
What a sweet moment that must be.
Shauna fought this terrible cancer for nearly 2 years now.
It has been a difficult and painful journey....physically and emotionally.
But she fought it with more bravery than could ever be imagined.
She never let it shape who she was.

She never complained.
Doctor after doctor and nurse after nurse always told us how special that she was.
one of kind.
But of course...they didn't need to tell us.
We already knew.
We have shed so many tears today.
And we will continue to cry for years to come.
There won't be a day when we won't think of her and miss her.
Because she is special.

She was fun.
She was full of energy.
She was sunshine.

She was good.
She was pure.
She was faithful.

She was a mom.

She was a daughter.

She was a sister.

She was a friend.
Shauna never let her Faith waver.
To the end she was thinking of others and whose soul she could still reach out to.
Her final evening~ Friday night~ she hosted a girls' party for some of her close friends and family members.
She was still at home...where she wanted to be.
Of course we didn't know this would be our last night with her.
But what a blessing for all of us.
And it was exactly how she would have wanted it~ being surrounded by a house full of loved ones.
If by some force of magic I could get one wish~
I would wish for a day to spend with my sister.
With her healthy and walking. With no cancer.
We could have such fun talking, singing, and being in the garden.
Oh how my heart aches for a day like that again.
The beauty is....
one day that wish will be fulfilled through a promise.
And it won't be just one meager day.
It will be an eternity together.
Laughing. Singing. Being in the perfect Garden of Heaven.
Thank you to all my friends that have been here during these hard times.
Thank you for letting me share my burdens with you.
Thank you for carrying them with me.
Your friendship and prayers and tender words have meant more to me than words can ever say.
Thank you for letting me share the life of my beautiful sister with you.
All my love~
I miss you already my sweet baby sister.
I look longingly for the day we will meet again.
Your big sis~
I hurt with you.Parting is never easy for those left behind.Yes,Shauna is rejoicing,of that we can be sure.For you and the rest of her family the pain has just begun.Cry when you need to and laugh if you can.God understands.Remember,grief is like a roller coaster.I wish I could could sit and cry with you,but please know that I am with you in my heart.
I am sorry for your loss, and I rejoice with you for Shauna's finally being well and whole and at home with Jesus. May God bless and comfort you.
i'm sitting here w earbuds in my skull, playing a melody as i'm praying.
bless <3
Life may do it’s worst you see
Hate and hurt and tragedy
But we’ll keep breathing
The road may lead us to an end
We always find our way again
...Forever After Love
Andrew Ripp
May sweet memories and the " hope that is within you" bring comfort and peace,
What a beautiful tribute to sweet Shauna. I know how much you loved her and I know how your heart is breaking right now. Remember this is only the bend in the road and one day you will be together for all eternity.
I did a post for Shauna today but had a very hard time through my tears, I only posted the e-mail I sent you the other day. It was how I remembered her filled with love, courage and faith.
I love you, sending big hugs...:-(
Chasity, I am so so sorry for your loss! I will be praying for you your family.
This post is filled with so much love and hope.
What a Beautiful Soul she is,! Her smile is perfect! I bet she did light up a room!
Much love to you!
I am so sorry for your loss. May the God of all comfort comfort you and your family during this time of grief.
Many prayers for you as you grieve the loss of your sister ... what beautiful memories you have stored up.
Oh, Chas! I am so very sorry for your loss. This has been such a hard fought battle, and I'm thankful that Shauna has the victory through the Lord. And one day, soon and very soon, you are going to have your wish, only it will be for eternity!
In the mean time, please know my heart goes out to all of you who love her. She was a beautiful, precious girl, and I feel like I've lost a friend, too.
This is the most loving tribute in the world, and she was especially blessed to have you as a sister. I wish you were my sister, too.
Love you SO much. Sending prayers to Heaven for you and yours.
i am so sorry for your loss. you and your family are in my prayers. your words are a beautiful tribute to her. {{hugs}}
sit sibi terra levis.
Chas, there are no words to express my sympathy at a time like this... my heart goes out to you and all those who loved your sister dearly. My deepest condolences and what a beautiful tribute to your sister. May God be with you and all of those who loved Shauna in your time of need. Huge hugs sent your way.
Beautiful Chas. We are all going to miss our little deeddlebug.
Love you, Mom
This post is a fantastic tribute to a wonderful person who is so loved and cherished by her friends and family. I am certain that she will always be around you and will let you know she is there. I am truly sorry for your loss and wish you well. With Sympathy Kev
Oh dear, sweet Chasity, my heart is breaking today. Tears are welling in my eyes and spilling down my face. Although I never personally knew your sister, I feel as though I knew her so well because of your love for her. Your words over the past year have helped me to know Shauna and love her. They have drawn my heart near and close to your family.
Please know, friend, that I am praying for you and your family during this time of grief and sorrow.
Praise the Lord that we know Him and that we know Shauna is now resting in His arms and surrounded by His comfort and glory.
I am so sorry Chasity...what an honor to know someone like that - and be so close to her...
I truly needed to hear that story today...I'm so impatient waiting the birth of this child...but I truly have nothing to complain about.
you are in my prayers for healing.
Anne Marie
You have written so eloquently about your beloved sister, I feel that somehow I was fortunate enough to share time with her also.
My heart goes out to you for such a terrible loss. I am so very sorry.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
I am so sorry.. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....
Hugs, Linda
I am so sorry for your loss, what a wonderful tribute to your sister you have here.
My heart breaks for you and all of your family. This was a beautiful and loving tribute, but of course we all knew of your deep love for your sister.
Wrapping my cyber arms around you and saying prayers for you, Chas.
I am so sorry for your loss, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
I am so very sorry for your loss, dear Chasity. There are no words I could say that match the beauty of your tender words here. It is easy to see how much Shauna was loved...and how much she will be missed. Please know that you are in my thoughts & prayers. Wishing you comfort...
Chas Im so sorry . My heart hurts along with you. Your words for your loved sister are beautiful and I know what she was and still is.
My Prayers, My deepest sympathies to you , your family , Shauns family and sweet children. Thank The Good Lord she was saved and you will walk and talk again , roll in the grass and walk among the most beautiful wildflowers to gether.
Im so very sorry. I hate Cancer.
Love you
My heart aches right along with you and your family. I especially hurt for for her children and husband. Please know you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Like you, I cannot imagine how wonderful it must be to walk into the loving embrace of Jesus Christ! ((Hugs from the South!))
Oh Chas. Your sweet tribute and wonderful pics pierced my heart. You are truly blessed and God gave you a wonderful gift in your precious sister - an eternal gift! My heart breaks for you today... I'm so glad the pain is temporary in light of eternity and confined to this world. Praying the Lord gives you comfort.
Chas - what a sad time for you and all the people who loved Shauna so dearly. Sad because she is no longer with you. We can't understand why some of our loved ones are taken so early.
I'm reminded of an old hymn that I'm sure crossed Shauna's lips too:
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
That request has been granted as Shauna has now joined the church triumphant.
May God comfort you and your family as you grieve her passing.
Thoughts n prayers for you an your family. How blessed you all are to have had such a wonderful sister/daughter in your life. This is a heartfelt tribute and brought a tear to my eye! Take comfort in knowing that Shauna is pain free and walking with our Lord. She went ahead to prepare a place in eternitiy for all of her beloved family!
I am so sorry for your loss Chasity.
Much love to you and your family.
My prayers are with you and your family at this time.
Chas A.
Chasity - I am so very, very sorry.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
~my dear sweet friend...my heart is bleeding at this bittersweet moment...so hard for you and all who are left behind...the ones who have to carry on...walking strong for her littles and love...and yourselves...but what a joyous moment for her to no longer be in pain...to wake and spend her days in only beauty and light...i know she is beaming brightly from the love you have shared here with us...no burden it has ever been but such a gift that you have given each of us...opening the door into your world...your heart and allowing us to see a glimpse of the gorgeous soul your sister had...lessons for each of us to remember in our days here...
my thoughts prayers and healing blessings upon you and yours...i pray that as the days weeks and months go by that your heart will be put to ease...that you will feel peace within your heart and mind...i pray that each morning you rise you will feel her presence and know that she is walking along side you...and each night you lay your head down you will feel the warmth of your sister there to quiet your mind and allow for only the sweetest of dreams...chasity...i am ever so sorry for your loss...
my father always said to me...it is never goodbye but till we meet again...and i know from your faith and words above...that day will come when you walk along side eachother and be gifted with laughter and love as you stroll through the garden as you once did...much love light and blessings upon you and your family this day and always~
Dear sweet friend,
I just learned of this sad news. My heart aches as I sat here and read this with tearfilled eyes. I'm stunned.
That is all I can say right now.
Know that you have become a part of my life over the past year and my prayers continue to rise up for all of you.
Love you very much,
I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing the great Hope that believers in Christ have in common, even in times of unspeakable grief.
Sweetie, I see your comments are off on the newest tribute to you amazing sister. I don't know how you posted. I was about ten day in before I could complete a tribute for my daddy. I'd think I was ready and sit down at the computer and be a blubberin' mess.
I just wanted you to feel my prayers wrapped around you girls today. I wish I could do more.
God bless you precious family!
yes nezzie....
i am a mess too.
but it is helping to wrap myself in our memories.
thank you for always being here for us.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. My prayers and sincere wishes to you and your families. I sat here crying and felt a warmth inside as you said she was with her loved ones and friends at home. One day you will walk together again. love to you dear one.
So sorry to hear that sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Shauna's family and friends.
'When the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.' She'll be dancing in heaven for sure.
I am sorry. No words are enough. But maybe you can receive a small comfort in knowing that there are Christians who right now are asking our Lord to help you with peace only He can give. Strength when you feel like you can't even make the next step.
I pray He covers you with His feathers and you hide under His wings. Ps. 91:4
I have no words to say right now. I am crying as I just finished reading your last two posts. I will be praying for you and your whole family right now.
what an incredible tribute to her life.you both have the same smile.I will say a prayer that you feel God next to you when it becomes unbearable.I am so very sorry for your loss of your sister.
Just stopping by to let you know your in my Prayers this morning.
Chas, I think of you all every single day, and I pray for you, too. Just wanted to drop by and give you a cyber hug. Love you.
Prayed for you today.
Dear Chasity, I just learned of the passing of your sweet Shauna. How blessed you were to have each other. A sister must be an incredible treasure. You must have been such a comfort to her on this journey.
I will be holding you all very close in my heart and in my prayers.♥
Thinking of you tonight with a prayer for peace and comfort ...
Praying you are keeping yourself surrounded by family and love ones. Praying you have a quiet peace.
I have no words for you....I am so, so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
oh, this is is truly heartbreaking, chasity. from how she looks in each and every photo, she seems like the kindest soul. i know she will be missed. my heart and prayers are with you in this loss. losing someone is beyond difficult... beyond bearable. i will be praying for peace and strength for you. your love for her lives on in these photos and in these words. i know it will live on forever. may God bless you and give you comfort.
what a lovely tribute ♥
My heart hurts for you and your family. More than I can say.♥
I was just on a break from my garden, checking email and blogs and ended up here. I will say a prayer for you and your family and your sister's family. Those little ones will be cared for not only by their earthly father but by our heavenly Father and they will feel their mother's love through all of you. (my first husband died young leaving me with four young children) As I go back to my garden I will be praying. I'm so very sorry.
I never knew her and I miss her.
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