
Sugar Coated

Treat everyone with politeness,
even those who are rude to you~
not because they are nice,
but because you are.
~Author Unknown



Chastity Abbott said...

The colors and details of this image are just wonderful! I love the quote too and the title of your image. You inspire me.

Leah C said...

Now that is true beauty! Lovely shot, Chas:) And the quote is a keeper, too.

Scott Law said...

Very pretty. It looks like it's been dipped in a bowl of sugar.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a stunning shot! And that quote is a good reminder too.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Do you know which plant this seed head belongs to?


Jamie said...

Gorgeous detail!

Marcie said...

Exquisite..magical detail. Beautiful!

traci said...

oh my goodness. what a gorgeous image. it does look like sugar. i love that quote too. easier said than done though. i need to get it tattooed on the inside of my eyelids.

freerangegirl said...

I love your pictures - new inspiration every day. I couldnt pick a favourite if i tried! thankyou x

S. Etole said...

great quote to accompany the photo ...

Brenda said...

Love the coloring in this picture. It looks sugar coated.
Also what a great version of the "Golden Rule".

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Beautiful photo...beautiful advice. You've done your days work with this one!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh,this is so beautiful.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful photo.. And I just adore that quote..

Hugs, Linda

darlin said...

Chas, this is a wonderful quote! Beautiful photo as well.

sherri said...

The camera brings out some amazing details.

Bernie said...

I have learned so much from you my young friend, love this quote and your picture is beautiful Many prayers for dear Shauna and Debbie.

the wild raspberry said...

Good for you to be posting and shooting such wonderful pictures! I just caught up on your last several posts. Beautiful pictures. Love you sweet sister. Off to bed...hopefully to sleep. :0

Justine said...

It does look like sugar! your quote made me feel guilty, I got cross on the phone today!

Lisa Gordon said...

This is a gorgeous photogrsph Chasity, and the words...
Can you imagine that if for just one day, we all followed those words? What a wonderful world it would be!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Yes if we could stop in our tracks and remember that, all the time.thinking of you all and praying as always!
Hugs, Nancy and her menagerie

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Beautiful post, Chasity! Gorgeousness to the max!
