
The Classics

Hydrangeas, Mark Twain, and a Wicker Loveseat on the front porch.

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.
~Mark Twain


Lori said...

very beautiful Chasity!!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Gorgeous, Chas, and I love that quote by Twain, probably my favorite!


Sheila :-)

Leah C said...

Some of my favorite things...along with a glass of ice tea, they'd make for a relaxing summer afternoon:)

Bernie said...

Oh Chas I have been trying to access your site for a couple of days now but blogger wasn't letting me open it....I am here now and I love this quote by Twain as well as you wonderful photo.
Prayers for Shauna always, hope your summer is going well.....Hugs

Traci said...

Stunning...absolutely stunning!

JMS* said...

Toujours aussi romantique.

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

so lovely!

thanks for joining in the giveaway fun over at my blog. i hope your day is a happy one!

Kala said...

Lovely treatment and composition.

the wild raspberry said...

Oh, I do so love hydrangeas. :) Love you, Debbie

Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered said...

uhmmm ((sigh)) .... so elegantly stated. Photo and quote.

Rosie @ Centre of Interest said...

so evocative Chasity.

Jess said...

Your use of textures really transforms your photos into works of art. I'm more into subtle edits, but really, your work is gorgeous.

To your question about my lens, verson 2 of that lens just came out and I was lucky enough to find a photographer wanting to upgrade. A good deal for both of us!

Unknown said...

I just scrolled through all 12 pictures that I missed while my internet was down.

Great Job!

Love the picture of the hydrangea, they are one of my favorites.

Melinda said...

very soft and pretty!