
Purple Ruffles

Daylily Series #5



Traci said...

Beautiful! Love the contrast of yellow and white with the purple.

brandi said...

~this may just be my favorite...l♥ve the color purple...majestic bloom...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Rosie @ Centre of Interest said...

Oh to be able to grow a daylilly like this - just the perfect colour for one of my borders! I think your whole series on the daylillies is beautiful.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Lilies to me are the epitome of beauty and when they appear in this beautiful color, there is just nothing more gorgeous. Beautiful shot.

A.J. said...

This Lilly is the proof positive that if we look closely enough we can find G-d's plan in every crease and ruffle. Nothing else could account for the symmetry and contrast we find in nature. As always beautiful pictures Chasity. AJ

Melly said...

Isn't God amazing...He is indeed the ultimate artist at creating so much beauty and you my sweet friend capture His handy work splendidly your passion is in each photo you take.
Have a lovely weekend yourself :)

Bernie said...

Such a passionate and feminine flower...love it. Praying for Shauna.....:-) Hugs

the wild raspberry said...

Chasity this is gorgeous! It's surreal, it's just so crisp and clear. I am loving your new lens. All of the daylilies are wonderful, but this one is my favorite. Love you sista!

darlin said...

Beautiful shot Chasity, the purple is so rich.

Unknown said...

BEAUTIFUL! I love the color!

Leah C said...

Oh wow...nature's palette is so beautiful!

Tracy said...

This is ELECTRIC... WOW! Love this one, Chas... *swoon*... ((HUGS))

Rick said...

One word - gorgeous. Ok, two - stunning also!