
Dangerous Beauty

That which is striking and beautiful is not always good,
but that which is good is always beautiful.
~Ninon de L'Enclos

We saw this lovely thistle on our nature walk today.
Before I could give warning....one of my daughters grabbed hold~
Drawn in by its beauty~ unaware of its danger.



Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful it is,but oh the pain it can cause.

Lisa said...

How very beautiful. I have never seen one this colore.
Love your words also.
Have a blessed night

georgia ~ gi gi said...

Oh, no I hope your daughter didn't hurt her self too bad :(
Beautiful picture!
(Of course)
gi gi

Rachel said...

Love the last line, "drawn by its beauty, unaware of its danger"....they are so beautiful, but have spiky surface. The butterflies near me seem to love them though!

sherri said...

So pretty in pink though:-)

Regina said...

Pretty and delicate.

Bernie said...

I hope your daughter is okay, this is a gorgeous picture and again the quotes so fitting. Many prayers for Shauna, big hugs from Canada.....:-)

Unknown said...

Great photograph of the thistle Chasity.

Justine said...

this is a lovely colour, you've captured it so well

Anonymous said...

Ouch! But what a gorgeous shot!

Anonymous said...

It sure is pretty, but danger... yes! Yikes

Leah C said...

Oh ouch! Thistles are definitely best for "look but don't touch"...

Lisa Gordon said...

This is just beautiful.
I hope your daughter is okay.