Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop off like Autumn leaves.
~John Muir
We are back from our vacation to the Ozarks.
We had a wonderful time...
enjoying each others company
enjoying the beauty of this amazing country
breathing deeply
and letting go.
The first day we spent hiking in an amazing conservation area.
This little fungus was hiding on the forest floor.
I keep trying to photograph fungus but I can't get it right! you have and this looks beautiful which is funny when you think about it as it's probably sooo very poisonous. A great shot. Sounds like you had a fun time away too!
Welcome home, Chas! :o) Very glad you had a wonderful time away--a little break is always great for the soul and recharging the batteries! Love the fungi focus today... It reminds me that Hubby & I haven't been mushrooming yet this season. Happy Days ((HUGS))
a great sign of fall
There is something about coming home again, after being away. Recharged, and revitalized.
Good for you.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Not as hidden as you thought it would be! It is actually waiting for you to notice and preserve it for us! What smart creature!
Hi Sweetie, I am just home from staying a week at my nephew's and it is so good to see your wonderful photo's again. I have missed you. How is Shauna doing, I have prayed every day for her and so did my great niece......Big Hugs:-)
Beautifully composed shot of this mushroom. Glad to read you had a wonderful vacation.
Great shot. welcome back home, glad you had a great vacation.
The mountains' good tidings - lovely phrase. Good photo too - fungi are tricky, living in the shade like they do.
Welcome back! I love mushrooms - they look like fairy trees to me. This is a sweet catch.
I'm so glad you noticed this little guy, he really was hiding on the forest floor. Beautiful shot (if you can call fungus beautiful).
Great shot!
So glad you had a nice vacation! Lovely qoute and most beautiful lil fungus!
gi gi
The best thing about vacation is that home feels so good when you get back.
Great photo...I've seen so many mushroom pictures lately, and they are all so different! Amazing, really.
Welcome home.
Welcome back from your well deserved holiday, awesome to hear that you enjoyed yourself and you brought back with you an amazing photo! What a treat to see such beauty and from a mushroom at that! :-)
I love finding little things like this on nature trails and what a great quote for this time of the year. I love John Muir quotes.
I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday.
Those surprises are always welcome! Great shot.
Nice shot!
I'm not one for fungus...but this one is a cutie;) Great shot! Welcome back, Chasity:)
Welcome back . Love the shot. I tried fungus also . I wasnt happy with my results. Im not sure yet why. Love your and the quotes.
I love the textured leaves around this guy. Both Stunning.
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