I resolve to be...
In The Word

Your life may be the only Bible some people read.
~Author Unknown
The girls and I start every school day in Bible study.
It's something I treasure....
I hope they continue this habit the rest of their lives.
Family Bible study has always been hit and miss for us.
But this new year we have begun to read the Bible together
after dinner every night.
I found a great check-off list for getting through the Bible in a year
and there are questions that correspond to the readings to help
us delve into the meaning and not just skim over the surface.
That schedule can be found here.
We have also been watching videos for Christian Evidences.
This is something that I love to ingest after being fed lies
for so many years while getting my degree in Biology.
A wonderful link I found for this is here.
There is some real faith building information to be found here.
Many blessings wished for those of you wanting to get deeper into your
Bibles this year....hope these bits of information can help.
I haven't stopped by in awhile. So glad I did..that quote "Your life may be the only Bible some people read." So beautiful and thought provoking. And that should be my resolution above all others "to be in the word..."the foundation for all others. thank you. Blessings for the new year.
The habits you instil in your family now will be with them forever.Reading and studying the Bible is a wonderful way to start and end the day.
what a wonderful shot and what a fantastic thing to do each night, I love this shot.
Beautiful words, and photo. This is a lovely practise you have in your family. inspiring. hugs.
Thank you for posting the links - getting more into my bible is definitely one of my goals this year.
"Your life may be the only Bible some people read." How simple yet profound. That's a good reminder to live for Him. Thanks, Chas!
Sheila :-)
Love that quote and love this post! I am trying hard to be more in the Word this year and also do more with my kids and husband. I love the idea of reading the Bible every night after dinner (although I have a 2 year old and 5 year old and mealtime is a challenge in and of itself so not sure if this would work! ha!).
Love finding your blog and I'm following now! Looking forward to seeing your photos...they are great!
Blessings, Stacey
such an applaudable endeavor! this is one of the best things you could do for your family. i pray that it will last and that that time will be protected from being broken up by the evil one.
blessings on you and your family for doing this! more families should!
What a wonderful journey and not an easy one to complete. I bought a One Year Bible And finished it.. But it took me a bit longer than a year. But however long it take it is well worth it..
Hugs, Linda
Why is it that when we love God and are so grateful for all He's done for us, it's still sometimes hard to get into the Word. This year I'm reading through the Daily Bible - Chronological, which I'm really enjoying - and it will keep me on track. In fact, our women's Bible study is going to be using this so that when we meet, we can discuss the portion we read the previous week.
Worthy resolution ... and the image highlights the light it will bring.
A good goal and nice to read about it. Our church used to hand out post cards with a reading plan at the new year. Really pretty photo.
What a wonderful mother you are Chas, you are teaching, guiding and living by example for your girls. Will check out your links, many prayers for sweet Shauna.....:-)Hugs
It is so refreshing to read a post like this and then see other with same heart. We need reminders that there are others longing to close to our Lord.
Love the picture. So peaceful and inviting.
I also voted for your picture.
Thank you for commenting on my photo.. becuase it led me ot your blog. What a joy this morning for me to delve i nto your little corner of the blogsphere.. A joy, a blessing and a gift. Thank you!
Beautiful. Just beautiful. I checked out the link you left and addded to my favs. Thanks Chasity.
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