I resolve to....
Be Romantic

Leave but a kiss in the cup
and I'll not look for wine.
~Ben Jonson, To Celia
My final resolution is to be more romantic....
I didn't know how in the world I was going to photograph that.
Last night we were eating an Italian meal and I like to serve
sparkling grape juice in our "fancy" glasses with a meal like this.
{We don't actually drink alcohol because of our religious beliefs}
my daughter says
Look Mom...there's a heart on your cup.
It was left behind from the fizzy bubbles.
Now that is romantic.
Maybe it's a reach~
but we all saw it.
It's so easy to get caught up in the everyday have-to-do jobs
and forget to show our spouse how much we love them in special ways....
a little love note hiding in a lunch box....
a surprising kiss in the pantry....
I resolve to work harder to remember.
It does look romantic and serene. I like the warm color palette.
This is beautiful Chasity!!
So very true! Gonna go kiss my hubby now;)
I must say that you have got a beautiful blog with lots of interesting photos. Very nice!
Have a nice weekend!
My cousin's wife always tucked love notes in her husband's brief case and around the house for him. I always thought that was neat!
Loved this, Chas...
Sheila :-)
Good eye on this one. Another great illustration of your goals and another great goal.
Very true! Have a great weekend!
enjoying the way you have shared your resolutions ...
Creative way to roll out your resolutions, and nice photos too--per usual.
Your resolution series is a very neat idea!
What a great resolution.. One that is so attainable. I love it!
Another great photo!
Hugs, Linda
awwww...sweet! and aren't you the tricky one, finding a way to photograph romance!
I scrolled down to look at all your pictures...really nice...and the heart bubble was romantic, I think...would make a great movie scene...
I see the heart! What a wonderful resolution, it will only benefit your marriage sweetie, many prayers for sweet Shauna.....:-) Hugs
Chas, I just went through your blog, did some catching up and what wonderful resolutions to make! Your photos are magnificent as usual and your quotes tough the soul.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Lavish the love on your spouse.This is time well spent and you will not regret one single moment of it.
Had a moment to catch up on all of your wonderful photos and posts. Your resolutions are inspiring, but you always inspire me, Chas. That's part of why I love you so. I sure enjoyed our "Christmas" tonight. Love you sis!
I just went through your resolutions Chas - good ones ! And I love the photos you posted with them.
Keep us 'posted' on how you're doing.
I hope you, Shauna and your families are all doing well; have a wonderful Sunday !
So beautifully romantic...and you've photographed it wonderfully! What a great idea to capture images of your 'resolutions' and promises to yourself!!! Love it!
What a great resolution.
You've depicted your resolutions in such a creative way. All the best in achieving them for the year!
so true! now you have made me feel guilty, my husband says he is at the bottom of the pecking order in our family below the dogs and cat! love this shot.
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