
Sunrise Series #2


Turn your face to the sun
and the shadows fall behind you.
~Maori proverb


i heart flowers photo challenge


Bridget said...

looks like the flower has even captured the color of the sun

Chastity Abbott said...

Truly beautiful...love the quote too. :)

darlin said...

Chas this shot is so beautiful, the yellow contrast with the dark background is stunning!

I was looking for quotes last night and was going to chose this one as well but another one jumped out at me. I love this quote!

Enjoy your day.

S. Etole said...

You've caught the essence of her loveliness ...

Lisa said...

I love love the yellow. Beautiful

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful.Yes,looking at the sun or Son,will cast the shadows behind us.

One Photo said...

I like your proverb and can tell this is your philosophy on life and it is very true, if you look for the bright side and good in life the bad and dark look far less intimidating.

Lovely photo too - the petals positively shimmer in the light.

Anonymous said...

That is sooo beautiful! =)

Leah C said...

Beyond beuatiful:) And the quote is one of my favorites!

Brenda said...

Really good picture. After several gloomy days, isn't it great to feel warm sun on your face.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous pic love the dewy morn too

john bord said...

The columbine reminds me of an albino one, yet it fits in with the use of light, a great metaphor.

Rick said...

I'm slowly (that's the key word) making my blog visits. I paused to see your beautiful shots and read your wonderful quotes. So much to take in and so enjoyable.

Thanks Chas. It's always so good to see the beauty of the creation.

Have a wonderful week !

Justine said...

How absolutely beautiful

Unknown said...

This look so pretty. I love the light.. And that quote goes perfectly with it.. Hope you have a day filled with sunshine..

Hugs, Linda

Lisa Gordon said...

One of my favorite flowers so beautifully photographed!

Piper said...

So beautiful!

Annesphamily said...

This is an amazing shot. The flower is absolutely stunning! Anne