
Mud Volcano Area


Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.
~Kak Sri

On this damp morning everything had a surreal glow to it.
The landscape looked like it was painted by an artist.



darlin said...

Chas this is an amazing photo, did you use the HDR technique on this? Whatever you did, the photo is fantastic, so deep and so rich.

Have a wonderful week.

chasity said...

this is straight out of the camera...
no editing.

that is how pretty it was!!

Unknown said...

I can see why, it is gorgeous..

Lisa said...

This is just breathtaking.
You really had a wonderful time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That does look like a painting.Beautiful.

Rick said...

It does look just like a piece of art - created by the master artist ! It's been quite a few years since we were in Yellowstone but I recall its beauty with awe. Great shot Chas !

Anonymous said...

Wow - it's like an oil painting. Just fabulous!

Lisa Gordon said...

This really does look like a painting Chasity, and a very, very beautiful one!

Reena said...

Outstanding SOOC ... always love surprises like this.

the wild raspberry said...

What a stunning picture, Chas. It's just amazing.

Another favorite.